Privacy Policy

Black & Gold Auctions if is committed to providing information tailored to your individual needs while providing excellent service to all of our bidders and consignors, including respecting concerns about privacy. 

We will use your information for the purpose for which you provided it or for which we collected it, and for other appropriate purposes. For example, we may use your information to:

  • Create and maintain your Black and Gold Auctions Account and account profile, registration information and communication preferences.
  • Enhance the user experience.
  • Perform research and analytics.
  • Customize, personalize, and deliver the content and advertising.
  • Respond to and fulfill your auction questions (including qualification to make bids or offers) or other inquiries.
  • To call, email, or otherwise contact you (subject to any legally required consent):
    • to send you information about topics that may be of interest to you;
    • to communicate in relation to your Black & Gold Account;
    • to alert you to the latest auctions and promotions. 
  • Enforce our Terms of Use and other contractual rights.
  • Protect our rights and property and the rights and property of others.
  • Comply with law.
PCI Compliant
Regarding our Auctioneer Software platform, we utilize the latest HTTPS TLS1.3 encryption with automatically updated/rotating SSL certs every 60 days (SHA-256 via LetsEncrypt), as well as enforcing HSTS.
Regarding Database/security, databases are NEVER on the internet. Further, even internally, we have SIGNIFICANT network segmentation limit/restrict access to our servers and only grant access to limited areas to development team as an individual developer requires access to that specific database.
Passwords are encrypted using Bcrypt with unique salt's per user.
We do not store credit card numbers and rely on CC processors to securely store cards via PCI-DSS specifications